The end game of this program is to be able to set my pin to HIGH so it can run my relay, which requires a HIGH pin
to operate the relay ( for solar/ battery powered glow plug water heating timer project)
The relay is a 5 volt relay, but the 5 volt is a supply off your Rpi3 5 volt and ground and the relay has a COM connection that gets the signal from your pin for on/off control.
I want to make a few videos showing BBC Basic running my hardware for 93 people in the Programming tools group.
( I had to edit this post to explain what I was trying to ask)
* I was hoping Richard that you might be able to explain why I am getting no pin status other than 0 and I was wanting to control the ON/OFF status of my pin (pin 5 looks safe to use)
And thank you Richard for your time.
Code: Select all
INSTALL @lib$+""
LET active%=FN_gpio_setup
REM Lets give a pin a purpose
REM Lets tell PIN GIPO 5 that it is a output
REM I am not sure why the library says to use PROC_gio_inp() first. Maybe initialization?
LET pv%=FN_gpio_get(5,6)
PRINT "The current state of pin 5 is : "pv%
PROC_gpio_clr(5,0):REM clear pin 5?
PROC_gpio_out(5,6) :REM one way or another we are safe, as 5 and 6 are free to use
REM now lets find out what the value of pin 5
LET pv%=FN_gpio_get(5,6)
PRINT "The current state of pin 5 is : "pv%
REM next statement (pin,state) state- 0 neutral,2 pull up, 1 down
PROC_gpio_pull(5,1):REM this should make pin 5 down (active?)
REM now lets see the value of pin 5
LET pv%=FN_gpio_get(5,6)
PRINT "The current state of pin 5 is : "pv%
REM hmm still 0. Lets try set
PROC_gpio_set(5,31) :REM hi?
REM now does it have a value?
LET pv%=FN_gpio_get(5,0)
PRINT "The current state of pin 5 is : "pv%