svein wrote: ↑Fri 13 Mar 2020, 18:31
i had written an FNstringwidth() function instead of using WIDTH().
You didn't need to write a replacement, you could have used FN_stringwidth() from That wasn't written because of a bug (the WIDTH function in BBCSDL isn't affected) but because I wanted a routine that would give the correct result even when graphical 'icons' are incorporated in the string using embedded VDU sequences.
I thought about reporting it, but decided to wait and see a little bit, then i forgot about it, sorry.
I don't know whether to call it bad luck, or something worse, that the only two people who knew about the bug (you and Kendall) decided not to report it. As a result all users of BB4W, including many who paid for the full version, have potentially been inconvenienced for months if not years longer than they need have been.
I rarely use
BBC BASIC for Windows myself so I am entirely dependent on users for reporting bugs that aren't discovered prior to release.