BBC BASIC for Windows v6.13 release candidate

New releases of BB4W and BBCSDL, and other updates, will be announced here
Posts: 58
Joined: Tue 03 Apr 2018, 19:34

Re: BBC BASIC for Windows v6.13 release candidate

Post by svein »

When were you first aware of a problem with WIDTH()?
You may recall the treeview routine a year ago, i had written an FNstringwidth() function instead of using WIDTH().
Now you know why.
I thought about reporting it, but decided to wait and see a little bit, then i forgot about it, sorry.

Posts: 127
Joined: Tue 07 May 2019, 16:47

Re: BBC BASIC for Windows v6.13 release candidate

Post by Ivan »

hellomike wrote: Sat 07 Mar 2020, 08:57 As far as I know, product quality has always been on top of your priority list. Let it be no different this time.
Also I think absolutely no one expressed any concern or complaint over the delay. Correct me when I'm wrong please.

So take your time even if that time is longer as it used to be.


I agree 100%
BBC Model B - 1984-1989. 6502 assembler, Unicomal 1988-1994, Some C and C++, Pascal 1990-1994. Bought a copy of BBC-BASIC 2007, but started to program at a daily basis 2019. C++ in 2021.

Re: BBC BASIC for Windows v6.13 release candidate

Post by RichardRussell »

svein wrote: Fri 13 Mar 2020, 18:31 i had written an FNstringwidth() function instead of using WIDTH().
You didn't need to write a replacement, you could have used FN_stringwidth() from That wasn't written because of a bug (the WIDTH function in BBCSDL isn't affected) but because I wanted a routine that would give the correct result even when graphical 'icons' are incorporated in the string using embedded VDU sequences.
I thought about reporting it, but decided to wait and see a little bit, then i forgot about it, sorry.
I don't know whether to call it bad luck, or something worse, that the only two people who knew about the bug (you and Kendall) decided not to report it. As a result all users of BB4W, including many who paid for the full version, have potentially been inconvenienced for months if not years longer than they need have been.

I rarely use BBC BASIC for Windows myself so I am entirely dependent on users for reporting bugs that aren't discovered prior to release.

Re: BBC BASIC for Windows v6.13 release candidate

Post by RichardRussell »

RichardRussell wrote: Wed 11 Mar 2020, 17:12Please throw everything at this version to try to break it! Failing any reports of bugs or regressions, it will become v6.13a in due course.
Last call for reports of any problems. I'm tentatively planning to release the new version on Monday (16th March); with so many uncertainties about pretty much everything at the moment, I'd like to make it available whilst I still can!