I have been in discussion with Richard about how we can make it mutually acceptable for him to return. Richard recognises that his tone sometimes comes across as a little abrasive, but also finds some of the comments back to him difficult to handle. We discussed moderating some, or even all, members of the forum, but for now would like to propose that in fact it is just Richard's posts that are moderated. The rationale for this is:
1) If in the judgement of the moderator(s), Richard's tone is too abrasive, we'll ask him to tone it down.
2) We hope that, since it's been through moderation, readers will try to be slower to take offence, since at least one other person thought the tone reasonable.
3) Please will everyone bear in mind Richard's acknowledged sensitivity to criticism, and express it in moderate tones? To be honest, this should apply to every post and every reader, on a forum like this. If I believe that any posters are causing offence, I reserve the right to moderate THEIR posts, too.
4) One complaint to which Richard is sensitive is that the forum tends to become "Ask Richard" - partly because his responses are usually so swift and comprehensive that they pre-empt anyone else contributing, and partly because some potential responders fear being "told off" by Richard. By passing his responses through moderation there will be more time for others to respond if they wish, and hopefully the tarter corrections will be modified.
Of course one price is that Richard's responses will be delayed at least until a moderator can check them, but that seems better than not getting his advice at all, and/or the forum closing down.
The forum has been very quiet recently - can I encourage everyone to participate in whatever way suits them -asking questions, offering solutions/advice, or maybe suggesting interesting programming challenges, etc?
I hope all of that is acceptable: if not, I hope you'll express your disapprobation in moderate tones...
