Thank you for your input. Currently I am struggling with some design issues like the resolution. I didn't want to redo the graphics. But I see some issues, so I think I have to consider that I will need todo some principles I have made 10 years ago.
Some thign I didn't like is the fact that the cropped font bitmaps that are downsized afterwards have shifting and the horizon ( probably also vertical but that is less cosmetic ). I am thnking of changing that.
For the moment I added the ability of both joystick and touch controls.
The menu system can be controlled by keyboard arrows, mouse, joystick ( X and Y axis ) and touch screens and I am quite happy with the playability with the touch screen.
In Full screen I need to recalculate the mouse position, but that's only concerning the menu system.
With some tricks in settings I could get it working in some proper way on my Android 15 Phone.
My phone is fast enough to play it properly with both touch and joystick.
My Celeron Chromebook could run it in the lowest resolution - the main menu is very slow mainly because the background is in 2K resolution and not cropped down like in the in-game backgrounds. ... bloxed.bbb
Another thing, is that I wanted to prepare some background cycling.
My current methods, is probably not the fastest
Currently what I do is ( based on the Pageturn example ) :
1. Load the high resolution JPEG direcrlt to the screen to the final resolution and offset via *DISPLAY
2. Save this using GSAVE in the @tmp folder as tmp1.bmp
3. draw the player(s) area in PURPLE
4. Save this using GSAVE in the @thmo folder as tmp2.bmp
5. Load tmp1 and tmp2 as Textures
6. Draw tmp1 via GfxPlotScale
7. Do a GfcGaussianBlur3x3
8. Draw the tmp2 as a Texture with the PURPLE as a MASK colour
(this results into a blurry only background within the MASK area)
9. Draw the lines of the player(s) area
10. Save this using GSave
11. Destroy the loaded Textures.
Now, if I want to cycle this with 10 images, it takes a few minutes (escpeially via the online version) to progress this before the game starts.
After being processed, I can loads chunks of the bmp file in to the memory of one if the 10 pictures and swap the background once it is completed - I am not worried this will cause performance issues )
But I think, the processing of this images by saving three times can be done more efficient

I have to dig further to find a proper solution.