FYI - This is the instrument and the project I am working on:
As I mentioned, right now, they have to store the data on a SD card, remove that and get it out of a glovebox, stick it in a PC to do the analysis, get the SD card back into the glovebox and into the device and take another reading based on the results of the last reading. Obviously, you can see the benefit of getting an answer right on the device in real time...
Using BBC2apk
Re: Using BBC2apk
The debugger is ADB (Android Debug Bridge) and is described here. It's easy to use: basically you connect the Android device to a PC using a USB cable, enable debugging on the device (the method depends on the version of Android) run adb logcat on the PC (probably best to spool its output to a file as there can be a lot) then provoke the crash. The captured log file should include enough detail to understand the cause of the crash.
What worries me, as I said, is the reason they gave: the TI CPU. Assuming that's a genuine reason, rather than just an excuse, I don't understand what about the CPU would prevent them supporting a later version of Android. Not that I think a later version would solve the problem, because I don't, but does the CPU have some 'quirk' which makes it incompatible with later versions of Android and BBC BASIC? It purports to be a 'standard' ARMv7 CPU but did TI get something a little wrong?You would think that for a $40K device, they would have the latest and greatest hardware... go figure.
I rather fancy playing with one of those. I definitely think you should lend me one!This is the instrument and the project I am working on:

- Posts: 25
- Joined: Tue 05 Nov 2019, 18:07
Re: Using BBC2apk
Which one should I get?If you're an Android developer, you should get the latest SDK Platform-Tools from Android Studio's SDK Manager or from the sdkmanager command-line tool. This ensures the tools are saved to the right place with the rest of your Android SDK tools and easily updated.
But if you want just these command-line tools, use the following links:
Download SDK Platform-Tools for Windows
Yeah, right! You should see what a hassle it was for me just be able to bring it home! Also, Google Star Trek Phaser - I think this is where they got their idea from - Ha!I rather fancy playing with one of those. I definitely think you should lend me one!
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Tue 05 Nov 2019, 18:07
Re: Using BBC2apk
Richard - OK, I think I did it. It output a txt file, but I have no idea what to look for... I tried to attach it here, but it wouldn't let me (?)
Re: Using BBC2apk
"Here"? Don't even think of uploading it to a public forum, it may contain information about your device that you should not reveal. If you mean as an email attachment, you could try zipping it first which sometimes helps bypass filters. Failing that put it somewhere online and send me a download link privately, by email or PM.
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Tue 05 Nov 2019, 18:07
Re: Using BBC2apk
I just PM'd you... Hope it went through. Thanks! Jeff
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Tue 05 Nov 2019, 18:07
Re: Using BBC2apk
Richard - Tried again. I did not see how to get your email address as a backup... Jeff
Re: Using BBC2apk
My email address is very easily found: it's on the Contact page at the BBC BASIC website, in the Help menu of BBC BASIC for Windows, in the Help menu of BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0...

I received your second PM, but it did not include a link to a log file (just the message "Here is another try").

I think we've now exhausted all avenues, sorry I wasn't able to help. I hope you have more success elsewhere (if you can afford a $40,000 instrument, can't you pay a software developer to write a custom app for you?).